Report Destinations
In BusinessObjects Enterprise there are a number of alternatives to choose from if you want to place the report/report instance somewhere else than in your available folders in InfoView.
There are two ways to handle report objects from InfoView:
- Use the Send button in the toolbar. This option allows you to send a report/report instance.
To use this function you select one report object and then you select one of the four options in the drop down of the Send button:
To BusinessObjects Inbox This option sends the report object to a user Inbox inside BusinessObjects.
To Email This option sends the report object to a email adress outside BusinessObjects.
To FTP Location This option transfer the report object via FTP to a destionation server.
To File Location This option saves the report object to disk. - Schedule a report object. This option allows you to send a report instance.
When you schedule a report you can choose a destination for your report instance. There are five different destinations to choose from:
Enterprise location
File location
FTP server
Email recipients
Destination Enterprise location saves the finished report instance to Output File Repository Server (FRS) in BusinessObjects Enterprise. Destination Inbox, File location, FTP server and Email recipients have one Default option and one Specific option. The Default option of each destination copies the report instance to the default location specified in the respective Job Server and in the Enterprise location. The Specific option of each destination copies the report instance to a location specified by the user and in the Enterprise location.
To get all of this to work there are four destination plugins that has to be configured for each Job Server.
In the picture above two destinations are enabled and two are disabled.
If a user gets a error message that reads something like "Error Message: destination DLL disabled. CrystalEnterprise.DiskUnmanaged:" or something like "The destination plugin required for this action is disabled. If you require this functionality, please contact your system administrator." it probably means that the destination is not enabled for that Job Server.
To enable the destination you have to find out which report type (i.e. Job Server) and which destination the user tried to use. Logon to CMC and navigate Home -> Servers -> SERVER_NAME.JOB_SERVER -> Destinations tab. Mark the checkbox for the destination you want to enable and press button Enable. Select the same destination and configure it. Done.
Here are the different Job Servers available and which report type that uses them:
Web Intelligence: SERVER_NAME.Web_IntelligenceJobServer
Desktop Intelligence: SERVER_NAME.Desktop_IntelligenceJobServer
Crystal Reports: SERVER_NAME.reportjobserver
Send button in InfoView: SERVER_NAME.destinationjobserver
If you change settings in destinationjobserver you must restart that service for changes to take effect.
Which Job Server to configure and when to do it is not that complicated but it is alot of confusion about this from various sources. This KBase Article (ID 8010998) from Business Objects for example is wrong and confusing:
1 comment:
The guide said something about setting your destination job server. So I go to SIA( via CMC BO XI R3), then try to manage server.I even can't open destination job server setting once I reach there...? confuse
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