Friday, October 10, 2008

Migration to BusinessObjects Enterprise XI 3.0 - part 3

One issue that we encountered immediately was that you need to set permissions on the top folder in the folder hierarchy. In BOXI R2 the top folder (Public Folders) acted as a default node just to build the folder hierarchy, you didn't need to set any rights on that folder. In BOXI 3.0 you do. The top folder All Folders need to be configured.

What I did was to first create a new Access Level named View Top Folder. That Access Level have only View Folder objects right set.

I then edited the security for the All Folders root folder and added the newly created Access Level to the group Everyone.

The word 'Rotmapp' is Swedish and stands for Root Folder (All Folders). The language settings get messed up here and there and that is very confusing and annoying.

The folders below All Folders have inheritance activated but they don't inherit that right. That is strange. The Administrators group gets it's inheritance right so why doesn't the Everyone group? Does anyone have an answer to this?

More about this change in the security model can be read in the following post I found on BOB:

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I've been wondering about that as well. I set the rights for everyone on the top level folder, but for some reason they don't come through on lower levels.