Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Upgrading BOE XI 3.0 To BOE XI 3.1

There exists two ways of upgrading a BusinessObjects Enterprise XI 3.0 environment to version 3.1.

  1. Upgrade patch. Business Objects has an upgrade patch available. This patch will upgrade your BOE XI 3.0 environment to BOE BI 3.1. One important thing to remember is that with this option you will not get the .NET platform installed. If you are interested in the .NET platform you should go with option 2.
  2. Full installation. This option consists of two steps; first you uninstall the BOE XI 3.0 environment and then perform a new BOE XI 3.1 installation. This option is your only choice if you want the .NET platform.

If you try to do a simple installation (option 2) and you got BOE XI 3.0 installed the installation program will halt with an error message and exit.

As always, perform backups of the CMS and Audit databases as well as the File Repository Servers.

For more information, read the following documents from Business Objects:

  • BusinessObjects XI 3.1 Update Installation and Deployment Guide
  • BusinessObjects Enterprise 3.1 Upgrade Guide


Anonymous said...


Do you know if the BOE XI 3.1 upgrade can be applied to an install of BO Edge XI 3.0?

Kind regards,

Josh Fletcher

Oakleaf said...

Hi Josh,

Good question, but I don't know the answer. One guess is that it is possible because Edge is a deprecated version of the full Enterprise product and therefore it would add the missing components. But I really don't know.

NicMcG said...

I was hoping someone could tell me about the "BOE Patches XI 3.1" folder thats included in the install directory of XI 3.1. Must you apply that patch? Whats it for?


NicMcG said...

If you expand that folder there is a txt file ProductID and the release info is

Any ideas?

John said...


We have a server where BO XI 3.1 was installed on top of BO XI 3.0 with the .NET components. Now our instance of BO is not working right. Can you make a suggestion as to how to proceed to recover it?


Anonymous said...

Make sure you read all the warnings before upgrading to XI 3.1 SP2!


